Friday, July 18, 2014

My Week in Photos...

Whew! It's been a CRAZY week!

It started off the way any ridiculously busy week would: with illness. I caught the most miserable summer cold and was a sniffly, coughing, achey mess for days. I was not far from the NyQuil for a few nights...

 Even though I would've rather been sleeping in bed, I did have a great time with the whole school taking the day off to go to the beach! It's a tradition to surprise the students at breakfast with this "Beach Day" and we all did have a great time!


I also go the opportunity to substitute teach a class this week, which as a lot of fun! The less fun part was that I was told I would be subbing approximately 3 hours before the class was supposed to start. So it was a bit of a scramble to come up with a proper lesson plan, but I did my best and the students seemed to take something positive away from the class. 

There was a very intense game of student vs. faculty hide and seek in which I was found in approximately 5 minutes. Need to work on my hiding skills, apparently...

And finally, with my purchase of L.L.Bean's trademark boots, I have officially gone native. It only took 13430193 New Hampshire rains to convince me!

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