Of course, the moment I decided to actually go up and do my laundry, a huge thunderstorm hit and knocked the power out. I had two dryers full of clothes, which were not nearly dry enough at all. The backup generators kicked in, but for whatever reason the laundry machines were the only electrical thing not working once the actual power did finally come back on. The breaker box is in a locked utility closet and no one was around with a key so, I gave up and took my laundry home and it is now spread out all over my room trying to dry. There is one set of sheets still in the washer and it will probably be there all night because the machine door locked and I can't reset it. So that's fun!
These pictures are the mattress frame of the top bunk of my bed which is covered in laundry. Also a lot of it is hanging up in the closet and spread out over chairs. The nice part is that my room smells like detergent and fabric softener.
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