Sunday, July 27, 2014

Week in Photos, again!

Second session has begun! My week started off with jumping into this lake at 6:45am with my entire dorm! It was fun, but one of those things that I can say, "Great. I've done it. Never need to do it again."

It was Parents' Weekend this weekend, which meant a lot of extra people on campus and a lot more chaos. We also had about half of our students depart and a new crop of students arrive for second session!

I have my own class this session: two sections of Pre-Algebra part B. This is the name tag that's on my door. :)

I got the opportunity to accompany the astronomy class on a field trip to the Dartmouth College Observatory to look through some telescopes and learn more about space. I saw Saturn which was pretty fantastic. This is a picture of a mobile on the inside of the science building that I thought was really beautiful.

It's pretty exhausting work, and my friend and I went out on Friday night for Mexican food to celebrate getting through this week. The margarita I ordered turned out to basically be a giant tequila snow cone...

Also can't beat Frozen Yogurt when you need a break and a treat! 

Some friends and I went out for dinner on Saturday night and the only thing I love more than a dinner out is cold leftovers the next day. Leftover Thai food= heaven! 

Today, my friend and I drove to the corner store (AKA the Chat N Chew) for lunch and I got some very yummy french toast. The only condiments on the tables were ketchup and maple syrup, which will never not be hilarious! 

I also got to return to the Motherland this weekend: TARGET! A shopping spree was desperately in order and I'm so glad I got to take a little break and get away for a little while. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

My Week in Photos...

Whew! It's been a CRAZY week!

It started off the way any ridiculously busy week would: with illness. I caught the most miserable summer cold and was a sniffly, coughing, achey mess for days. I was not far from the NyQuil for a few nights...

 Even though I would've rather been sleeping in bed, I did have a great time with the whole school taking the day off to go to the beach! It's a tradition to surprise the students at breakfast with this "Beach Day" and we all did have a great time!


I also go the opportunity to substitute teach a class this week, which as a lot of fun! The less fun part was that I was told I would be subbing approximately 3 hours before the class was supposed to start. So it was a bit of a scramble to come up with a proper lesson plan, but I did my best and the students seemed to take something positive away from the class. 

There was a very intense game of student vs. faculty hide and seek in which I was found in approximately 5 minutes. Need to work on my hiding skills, apparently...

And finally, with my purchase of L.L.Bean's trademark boots, I have officially gone native. It only took 13430193 New Hampshire rains to convince me!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Vermont: Land of Free Samples

Went on a mini-road trip today to explore Vermont!

Vermont actually makes vodka, the first is from maple sugar and the second is from milk sugars!


Cabot Cheese free samples! 

Then we found the Ben and Jerry's factory and even more free samples! 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Past Few Days...

WARNING: photo dump ahead:

My attempt to take a picture of the "Super Moon" and it's reflection in our gorgeous lake. Didn't work too well on the phone camera, but still a cool picture! 

The next two were taken the same night. We made a nice little campfire down by the beach to celebrate our night off! 

The following are a collection of the photos I took while chaperoning a trip to Boston!